The transformation of rock into metal is a process that enabled humans to become masters of the world. And it was in Vincha, two and a half thousand years before the construction of the great pyramids in Giza, that metalworking began.
In pouring a first few drops of metal out of the fire, the people of Vincha began a torrent that would forever change the course of civilization.
Almost immediately upon its discovery, Vincha Culture was recognized as one of the most significant sites globally in the development of modern human society. What’s more, as modern research technologies became available, several sensational discoveries further served to cement the importance of Vincha Culture in the global story of mankind.
The beauty of Vincha ceramics is a story by itself – exquisite figurines decorated with meandering motifs, or the multi-coloured vessels whose vibrant colours are made exclusively by ignition control, a technique that is still very difficult to perform today.